June 28, 2022

Free Local Resource for Small Businesses

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One of the best free resources for small businesses is your local Small Business Development Center. Our local center, UVU Small Business Development Center, offers the following resources to small business owners and entrepreneurs:

  1. Free Business Advising

You can meet with a business attorney to ask questions about starting your business and running it more efficiently and in line with state and legal requirements.

  1. Training Events

Some of the classes they offer include website marketing, employee benefits, how to start a business, and business essentials.

  1. Monthly Workshops/Clinics

Workshops include social media, Quickbooks, managing risk, WordPress, tax planning, legal clinic, and intellectual property. Workshop topics change from time to time, but these were the topics at the time of this post.

  1. Mentor Program

A six-month program to work with an experienced mentor on how to help business owners to improve their businesses.

Of course, these are free services and may not be able to give you all the help you need, but it’s a great start and such a great local resource! Go visit your local SBDC today!


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